mandag den 31. december 2007


alle et spændende nytår - tak for innovative timer i 2007.
Mål for 2008: at alle finder ud af om de har tid/overskud til at forsætte med PowerKite, at dem der vil finder en 'stik-hovederne-sammen'-dag i januar hvor PKs fremtid klargøres (endelige mål - skal PK med til miljøkonferencen i 2009?)

pas på jer selv i aften - hvor end I er

fredag den 14. december 2007

Nyttig info

Meget info der også er relevant for vores projekt.

Sidder forresten og arbejder på at gøre nogle nye illustrationer klar....


torsdag den 13. december 2007


Thorborgs link kikset - men her er det rigtige;

Og Morten - kan du invitere Michael til Bloggen?

Sabrina ;)

Nyt fra Michael - CoachTeamLeder

Hej Sabrina
Tak for sidst - kan du distribuere denne videre til resten af gruppen?
Og kan jeg komme på jeres blog?
Vi ses til januar - have fun!

Michael :-)

From: Martin Thorborg []
Sent: 10. december 2007 23:21
To: 'Jepsen Tina Ostergaard';; 'Søren Larsen';
'Andersen Helle Jagd'; 'Jakob Steen Jensen'; 'Lars Stigel'; 'Rui
Manuel Vilanculos'
Cc:; 'Frederikke Kroon'
Subject: SV: Danfoss Innnovation Camp

Hej alle

Tak for en god oplevelse, der er ingen tvivl om at de studerende blev
Se for øvrigt den her:
Jeg mindes at have set den før ;-)

De bedste hilsner

Martin Thorborg
Amino Virksomhedsbørs, nu Danmarks største handelsplads for

mandag den 3. december 2007

Billeder fra Danfoss

Tak for sidst.

Vi kender vist alle slutscenen fra filmen Rainman, hvor man ser de billeder som Dustin Hoffman's karakter har fotograferet i løbet af filmen med sit Kodak Instamatic.... Her er så mine billeder af hvad designeren oplevede i Nordborg -udover ventiler og udstoppede vilde dyr!


fredag den 30. november 2007

Snublede lige over denne:)

torsdag den 29. november 2007

tak for sidst

håber dagen derpå var spændende?

Nå, men heldigvis så flytter den lille familie fra Topasgangen ikke til Als (i denne omgang;) MEN jeg er helt med på at genoptage PowerKite efter nytår!!!

Indtil da - pas godt på os selv, tjek bloggen engang i mellem (så den ikke dør hen) og forsæt med at udvikle og undersøge (løsningen er derude!) - vi skal med til Miljøkonferencen 2009 ;)


Faldt lige over denne her, regner med at melde mig til

Dear Network

The Venture Cup team 07/08 herby invites you to participate in the Copenhagen Regional Final on the 13th of December. The nominated teams will pitch their ideas from 14.00 and at 17.00 the winning teams will be announced. We will finish this wonderful celebration with sushi, jazz and networking.

In the attached program you can find out more details about location, program and awards.

Remember to register at before the 6th of December.

Looking forward to seeing you at the final.

Yours sincerely

Trine Nygaard Hansen

Copenhagen Regional Manager

Venture Cup Danmark

Howitzvej 60

DK-2000 Frederiksberg

Tel: +45 38 15 33 77

Fax: +45 38 15 33 87

Mob: +45 30 71 12 16



Næste udfordring

Hej folkens

Tusind tak for sidst!! Det var en kæmpe oplevelse, som jeg stadig går og smiler lidt af. Fuck om vi vandt, vi satte barren som de andre gik under;) Jeg er helt med på de næste udfordringer som Asger har listet. Da KU kommer til at "eje" ideerne efterfølgende, manifesteret som fysisk produkt, skal PowerKite nok ikke for tæt på den her konkurrence. Regner heller ikke med at det var det du mente Asger;) Meeen vi kunne da lige prøve at braine lidt iver tingene, hvem siger at det kun skal være PowerKite det skal handle om? Vi kunne også bare slå os ned som innovativt designkollektiv!
Da alle sikkert har brand travlt og deadline først er d. 19 februar, er det ikke noget vi behøver at tage action på lige nu, med mindre at der er nogen der ikke kan lade være:=)

Uanset hvad, tak for sidst! Glæder mig til vi ses i januar!



onsdag den 28. november 2007

Hej Power team!

Og tak for en sjov tur.

Her kommer den næste udfordring, i kan læse mere på de to links.
deadline er tirsdag d. 19 januar.!

Hav det godt til vi ses.

tirsdag den 27. november 2007

Forespørgsel om tegninger

To: Jason Chudy

Hi there at USS Kitty Hawk

Thank You for getting back to me so quickly.

Yesterday afternoon my group presented our idea at a meeting with the danish Minister for Science and Technology (Helge Sander) and the CEO of Danfoss (Jørgen Mads Clausen) among others. They have encouraged us to continue with the project, and we are now aiming at presenting a more detailed project for the recently appointed danish Minister of Climate (Connie Hedegaard) and the CEO of Virgin (Richard Branson) in January next year. Copenhagen will be the host city of the international Climate Conference in 2009, and we would appreciate if it is possible to email PDF's or DWG drawings (plans and longitudinal- and cross-sections) of USS Kitty Hawk to be used as visual reference.

Our idea in short is to turn USS Kitty Hawk into an international CleanTech research facility intended as a platform to realize the idea of creating and deploying a giant "kite" or so called "Flying Electric Generator" as decribed in the paper "Harnessing High Altitude Wind Power" by Bryan W. Roberts, David H. Shepard, Ken Caldeira, M. Elizabeth Cannon, David G. Eccles, Albert J. Grenier, and Jonathan F. Freidin.

Flying Electric Generators (FEGs) are proposed to harness kinetic energy in the powerful, persistent high altitude winds. Average power density can be as high as 20 kW/m2 in a approximately 1000 km wide band around latitude 30 degrees in both Earth hemispheres. At 15,000 feet (4600 m) and above, tethered rotorcraft, with four or more rotors mounted on each unit, could give individual rated outputs of up to 40 MW. These aircraft would be highly controllable and could be flown in arrays, making them a large-scale source of reliable wind power.

The aerodynamics, electrics, and control of these craft are described in detail, along with a description of the tether mechanics. A 240 kW craft has been designed to demonstrate the concept at altitude. It is anticipated that large-scale units would make low cost electricity available for grid supply, for hydrogen production, or for hydro-storage from large-scale generating facilities.

I attach the paper and a more visual version of part of our presentation from yesterday.

In hope of your positive respons.
With kind regards

Tim Nøhr Elkær
Ph.D. Scholar
Center for DesignResearch

mandag den 26. november 2007

Svar fra USS Navy

01.03 (14 timer siden)

Dr. Tim Nøhr Elkær

Thank you for your e-mail!

Yes, USS Kitty Hawk is the Navy’s oldest active ship

And yes, we are the only non-nuclear aircraft carrier

While we do not have a firm date yet, we do expect to be decommissioned next year.

Again, thanks for your e-mail!

I wish you and your team the best of luck in your endeavors to use Kitty Hawk for your research!

Jason Chudy


MCC(SW/AW) Jason Chudy

Media Department LCPO

USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63)

FPO AP 96634-2770

On board phone: x6320

Comm (At Sea): +1-(619)-545-7633, DSN: 312-735-7633

Comm (In Port): +81-(0)46-816-6655, DSN: 315-243-6655

søndag den 25. november 2007

Dagen i morgen...

Morten har lavet et super nice 'salgs-hæfte' ;)
Magnus holder en visionær 'salgs-tale' ;)
Tim svare djævlen igen med sin overbevisende Kitty-kite-Hawk-tankship-HighSky Energy... ;)
Asger 'regner' ($) vi med ;)

Og så blæser vi på de andre!!!

Da jeg havde læst Tims sidste indlæg fik jeg dette indre billede;
de næste 5 år bor/opholder vi os på KittyHawk sammen med vores 50 ansatte - med base ud fra Island. De første par måneder bliver hårde, konstant vuggende - til tider kasten rundt med - af bølgernes bevægelser. Vi spiser, arbejder, sover, spiser, arbejder, sover... og en gang i mellem får vi brev hjemmefra ;) Men så... kommer endelig dagen hvor vi spændte 'sætter' PowerKite op - HURRA det lykkedes!!!

Sov godt, vi ses i morgen

Er der så enighed om det?

Kitty Hawk vejer ca. 80 tons så det vil sikkert være nok som "forankringsklods" for vores drage. Skibet er 326 meter langt, 86 meter bredt og har en dybdegang på 12 meter. Man kan indlogere og bespise mellem 2.800 og 5.300 personer så det burde være nok også til en storstilet forskningsekspedition fra Danfoss. En Powerkite vil eventuelt kunne opsættes efter et fly, der udskydes af en af de fire 80 meter lange katapulter, der fungerer som gigantiske slangebøsser (sling-shots?). Når dragen er i luften kan man afskyde en wire, der forankres i et "spil" på skibet som så indeholder de 6 km (!) kabel, der skal kunne rulles ud, og rulles op igen.

Der forefindes fire gigantiske fragt elevatorer på skibet, der hver kan løfte lidt over 58 tons, og det vil derfor være nemt at håndtere de store enkeltkomponenter, der skal indgå i PowerKite.

Skibets elektriske system er på 14.000.000 Watt og hvis motorerne kan ombygges til turbiner, og strømmen fra PowerKite kan anvendes til at omdanne noget af det omgivende saltvand til Ilt (Oxygen) og Brint (Hydrogen), så vil disse gasarter kunne komprimeres og opbevares i nye tryktanke indkapslet i nogen af de tankrum, der siden 1961 har været anvendt til at rumme de 7.600.000 liter brændstof som hangarskibet har kunnet medbringe på sine togter.

Jeg har nu brugt formiddagen til at finde billeder vi kan bruge for at understøtte denne tanke.
Jeg medbringer dem på min bærbare (-det er en mac, men det er vel ikke et problem, vel?).

Billedet viser en sejlende opfyldning, men det kunne jo også være flydende Oxygen og Brint, der blev pumpet "den anden vej" til det væsentlig mindre tankskib, mens Kitty Hawk lå for anker.

Kitty Hawk - CV 63

Total Cost (in april 1961) $ 265.200.000

Displacement: 80.800 tons (74.197 metric tons)
Length: 1.069 Feet (326m)
Beam: 129 feet extreme width: 282 feet (86m)
Draft (dybdegang): 38 feet (12m)
Speed: 30 knots (56km/t)
Complement: 4.582 crew members (2.800/5300) with Airwing
Fuel capacity: 2.000.000 gallons (7.600.000 liters)
Electrical System Capacity: 14.000.000 Watt
Flight Deck Area: 4.1 acres (16.592 square meters)
Hangar Bay Area: 1.6 acres (6.475 square meters)
Fodboldbane 110 x 75 meter = 8.250 kvm
Effective Landing Area: 120 feet (36.4 m)
Aircraft Elevators: 4 Elevator Lifting Capacity: 130,000 pounds each (58,500 kg)
Aircraft Catapults: 4 Length 263 feet (79.7 m)

Konstruktivt forslag

God morgen Dragegruppe.

Jeg foreslår at vores forretningsmodel tager udgangspunkt i den tidligere (af mig selv) foreslåede idé om, at det skrotningsmodne hangarskib "Kitty Hawk" bliver anvendt som forsøgsopsætningsplatform for en "large-scale" Power-Kite/HighSky Energy i jetstrømmene øst for Island. Jeg mener at kunne huske fra gymnasietiden, at en dieselgenerator med ganske få forandringer vil kunne anvendes "omvendt" som en elektrisk turbine, så det vil give god mening at anvende lige netop dette hangarskib til et forsøg i denne skala.
Endvidere findes der allerede i dag på hangarskibet værkstedsfaciliteter og ekspertice indenfor både navigation, søfart, luftfart, termik samt lodret start og normal landing.

Jeg vil også foreslå at teksten til vores flyer tages direkte (husk kildeangivelse) fra indlægget: "WindPower for dummies". Omslaget skal på forsiden indeholde projektets nye fulde titel (PowerKite HighSky Energy...) og på bagsiden gruppens navne (who is left?).

fredag den 23. november 2007


er da lige ordet for bloggen pt. - hvad sker der? ...

betød onsdagens deadline virkelig at vi ikke må snakke sammen mere???
Hvilke tekster skal bruges til folder - Morten er du helt okay med den mængde som findes på bloggen? (ved du hvad du skal bruge??)

jeg ved godt at der ikke er nogen tvang eller pres - men kom nu!!!!

vi skal sgu overbevise dem om at en 6km høj flyvende (?) og tilsvarende tons tung drage har vinderpotentiale ;)

Asger - har du forhørt dig om hvad vi er oppe imod fra Århus?

der er ikke fordi jeg er sur - måske bare lidt nervøs/rastløs... ;)

Sabrina - råber: PowerKite - gi gas! ... :)

torsdag den 22. november 2007


Finalist Group:

Name of idea:

What is the idea/concept?

What is the aim/ambitions with this project?

Why is it unique?

How and to whom does it make a difference (What needs do we solve? Who needs this?

Who are the potential stakeholders and why? (Users, buyers, customers, partners, employees, NGO’s…)

How can it be technically feasible – describe the solution?

What are the requirements for realizing the idea?

What is the estimated market potential?

How do you bring the product/concept successfully to market?

What are the most important next steps?

nyt fra Danfoss

Kære Finalister på DIC ’07

Hermed fremsendes informationer om den første finaleopgave som I skal have klar ved ankomst til Danfoss på mandag.

I kan bruge transporttiden i bussen mandag formiddag, men vær OBS på at involvere alle gruppedeltagere. De grupper fra Århus som har gruppemedlemmer fra Odense vil være nødsaget til at koordinere inden busturen og få kommentarer med fra Odense deltagerne (De kører i KBH bussen). I vil have lidt tid til at tale sammen i gruppen og forberede jer ved ankomst.

Alle der har mulighed for det må gerne medbringe Laptop og strømforsyning. (Husk fuldt opladede computere til busturen!)

Bemærk at der til finalen vil være internationale eksperter til stede under hele forløbet, hvorfor dagens program vil foregå på engelsk. I kan arbejde på dansk i grupperne, men opgaveintroduktioner og præsentationer vil foregå på engelsk. Hjælp hinanden i grupperne!

Første Finale opgave
Grupperne arbejder videre med at konkretisere idé og koncept ud fra Template for Finaleforberedelse (vedhæftet).

Målet er en videre idékonkretisering og –udvikling, samt at grupperne får italesat og synliggjort hvor konceptet skal styrkes og hvordan I forstiller Jer at dette kan gøres.

Nøgleord for opgaven:
Marked, Teknisk løsning, Forretningsmodel

Word dokument med uddybende informationer omkring ideen, markedet og den praktiske realisering.
Dokumentet vil danne baggrund for dagens arbejde og endelig finalepræsentation.

Idéen og den eksisterende viden diskuteres grundigt i gruppen. Hvad har vi og hvad mangler vi?
Word dokumentet udbygges med Jeres eksisterende viden samt spørgsmål der mangler afklaring.

Evt. spørgsmål til opgaven kan rettes til Marketing Consulting Services via nedenstående kontaktinfo.

God arbejdslyst!

På vegne af Danfoss Innovation Camp Team
Anja Dieckmann Nielsen
Project Manager
Mobil: +45 4033 2595
" bedre resultater, hurtigere"


Hej folkens

Har rundsendt et udkast til vores show. Det mangler meget i det, men håber at I er friske på at fylde på med argumenter og gode ideer.

Jeg arbejder videre på det i eftermiddag og rundsender evt. med ændringer i aften.


og hvad så nu...

så var der deadline i går, troede det ville vælte ind med indlæg - men der skete ingenting... sidder nu tilbage med et forvirret hoved; betød 'deadline' at så må man ikke oploade mere? ;)

Okay - hvad er næste skridt?
hvad er vores materiale? - vel ikke alle de mange/lange (ikke skrevet af os selv) indlæg som er blevet lagt op...

Sabrina - PowerKite

onsdag den 21. november 2007

ro på igen...

camp-lederen skulle bruge de engelske oversættelser fra den 7. til én som er interesseret i vores ide!
jeg tog mig den frihed - og tid - til at oversætte.

Er sendt! da det lød som om det skulle være nu...

Sabrina :)

uh - på mit ur er der 8 min. til kl21 - det er lidt som juleaften! ;)

nyt navn

HighSky Energy

fra Sabrina

"My calculations show that if we could just tap into 1 percent of the energy in high-altitude winds, it would be enough to power all civilization. The whole planet!" said atmospheric scientist Ken Caldeira at the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University.

An idea that would change the World!

In our research we have found researcher, entrepreneurs and enthusiast with expert knowledge, technical insight and venture capital to spend on a project such as the one we suggest and therefore we are thrilled about presenting these results of the first "Danfoss Innovation Camp Initiative" - Group 5 Copenhagen: The "PowerKite: Energy for Humanity Project".

Today we stand in front of substantial challenges about reducing the critical global climate changes and finding alternatives to the Earths reducing resources. In 2030 we will be 8.002 mill. People on the Earth ( and this put huge claim to the growing energy consumption that the modern lifestyles request. But the Earths oil, coal, tree etc. resources are limited - for how long will the contemporary fossil fuel maintain? And what about the pollution of our air, water etc.?
The best alternative is wind energy – it is clean because it dos not pollute went producing energy, there is a great deal of it and it is free.

Vestas produce windmills that contains large capacity of energy – one type of windmill (V90-3,0 MW) can save 5000 ton CO2 emissions and global warming pr. Year. And it accumulates what would respond at 13.000 barrel of oil.
For that reason it is important to focus on wind energy as a key resource in the future.
Some opponent might say that windmills have a relative high beginning cost, that it needs a supplement from another energy source when the wind is low and that it is non aesthetic.

So we have to think in new ways if we want to keep up the demand of wind energy. A solution could be fund in the jet streams. The jet stream is a “fast flowing, relatively narrow air currents found in the atmosphere at around 11 kilometers (36,000 ft) above the surface of the Earth. … The wind speeds vary according to the temperature gradient, averaging 30 knots (55 km/h / 35 mph) in summer and 65 knots (120 km/h / 75 mph) in winter, although speeds of over 215 knots (400 km/h / 250 mph) are known. Technically, the wind speed has to be higher than 60 knots (69 mph / 111 km/h) to be called a jet stream”. (
This signifies that if we set up a kite in the jets stream – where will be no need for a supplement because the kite would produce viable energy, it is not polluting and it will be so faraway (6 km) that there will be no aesthetic problems.

indsæt afsnit om
• Drage
• Generator
• Kabler
• Forankrings platform
Opgaven er at teamet forklarer hvilke problemstillinger vi har løst og taget stilling til. Derudover er det vigtigt, at der laves en klar afgrænsning af hvor vores kompetencer slutter, og et udviklingshold fra. f.eks. Danfoss kan tage over. Vi foreslår at der tages udgangspunkt i at produktudvikling ikke er vores opgave, men vi vil gerne komme med anbefalinger til hvilke personer der kunne være vigtige medspillere i den fremtidige udvikling. Henvisning til andre modeller, KiteShip, lattermill og de andre 4 møller…?

In the group we believe that scalable technology is the future and as such there's not "One Kite to rule them All". Our discussions however has let us to suggest that the pilot project should be a "large-scale" kite, as it seems to us that the further research would benefit most from tests under extreme conditions such as the Jet Stream east of Iceland or in Canada.

Today Denmark is in the top when it comes to wind technology (Elsam, Elkraft, Vestas and Risø). We have a commercial standard industry in the course of a huge export. And on political side – international as well as on EU-level – wind energy is regard as economical and environmental benefits. Using the jet streams massive wind resource will deposit a lot of energy used for selling to other countries. But more important it will improve the global environment problems because of the clean supplying to the Earths recoil fossil resource and it is not polluting the air, the drinking water etc.

Our research on till now, indicate that carrying out PowerKite could be a reality because many scientists have don research at the same highs – hitherto no one has the solution. So it is only a question about time. What is needed to be accomplishing in nearest future is to find relevant investor and co-operative – and in addition to this we ask; do Danfoss want to go up high, and be in front when it comes to create revolutionizing solutions that will solve the Earths energy problems? Be associated with ‘green company’ that takes global as well as social responsibility? We do.

Indsæt afsnit om
Hvem skal investere? Energiselskaber, Vestas, Risø... Danmark, Danfoss?
Budget: brug af penge for at komme i gang – og til hvad?
Finansiel kalkule
Lave en finansiel analyse af hvor meget finansiering projektet kræver i forskellige stadier. Samtidig fokuseres der på hvilke økonomiske gevinster der på sigt er forbundet med projektet (for Danfoss og for verden og for os selv).

We would like to demonstrate the first prototype of PowerKite on the environment conference hosted in Denmark in 2009. But we know there is a lot of research, test, political and economical considerations and precautions to be don before carry out our idea. Therefore in 15-20 years from now, when we turn on our lamps, television, computer etc. the power will come from the sky – up high where PowerKite is fulfilling our dream about saving (changing) the World.

brev fra camp-leder Michael

Hej Sabrina
Jeg skal bruge jeres PP-præsentation og Word-beskrivelse på engelsk ASAP!!!!
Kan du klare det?

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Michael Hübertz

-jeg har skrevet at vi har deadline i aften kl.21 - men jeg er ikke helt sikker på hvad det er han ønsker tilsendt; word-beskrivelse??

Status, Jens

...først af alt må jeg sgu sige, at det er imponerende med indlæg på bloggen.

Det bliver en udfordring at samle det til et velafrundet klart budskab, men der er da nok at bygge på.

Har kontaktet NKT's CTO han vender tilbage idag med data og styrke på kabler. Kigger over forbi prof. Claus Felby, KU-life der tidligere har forsket i plantefibres andvendelse istedet for eks.v. glasfiber.

Uploader sagerne i aften, men bliver forhindret i at tage med til Nordborg grundet professorbesøg og seminar mandag.


tirsdag den 20. november 2007

Indhold - Forretningsplan. . .


Husk på, at forretningsplanen ofte er investorens første møde med virksomheden og derfor skal kunne forklare, hvorfor det ville være attraktivt at skyde kapital i virksomheden. Forretningsplanen skal derfor give et hurtigt overblik over forretningsmodellen, organisationen og økonomien i virksomheden. Det betyder, at det ofte er bedre med 20 sider end 40 sider + bilag.

Indholdet af forretningsplanen skal være baseret på fakta med henvisninger til relevante kilder. Og så er det vigtigt at understøtte med data, som beskriver fx markedsstørrelse og vækstrater. Generelt bør forretningsplanen indeholde følgende elementer:

Executive Summary – KORT beskrivelse af forretningsplanens indhold


· Hvor kommer idéen og behovet for virksomhedens løsninger fra?

· Hvad er virksomhedens ”Value Proposition” – det problem virksomheden løser og den værdi, det skaber for kunden?

· Hvor presserende er kundernes problem? Er det ”nice to have” eller ”need to have”? Her er det relevant at understøtte med statements og feedback fra kunder og samarbejdspartnere

Markedet og kunder

· Hvor stort er det samlede marked og den del af markedet, der er adresserbart, og som virksomheden skal sælge til?

· Hvordan ser markedet ud om tre år?

· Hvordan ser værdikæden i markedet ud, og hvor er virksomheden placeret i kæden?

· Hvem er målgruppen for virksomhedens løsninger og hvorfor?

· Hvem er de nuværende kunder, hvordan ser pipelinen af kunder ud, og hvor lang er indsalgstiden?


· Hvad er virksomhedens produkt eller løsning i kort og klar tekst?

· Hvordan ser teknologien ud, herunder modenhed og dokumentation for effekt og funktion?

· Hvor meget innovation og differentiering i forhold til substitutter og konkurrenter rummer virksomhedens løsninger?

· Er produktet beskyttet med fx patent, varemærke eller copyright?

· Hvad er produktets udviklingsstadie, herunder tidshorisonten frem til færdiggørelse og planer om versionering?

· Hvordan sker produktionen nu og i fremtiden? Er der tale om egenproduktion eller outsourcing?

· Er der evt. en stykliste med priser og produktionsomkostninger?


· Hvordan genereres omsætningen?

· Hvordan er prissætningen?

· Hvordan ser ”go-to-market”-strategien ud?

· Hvilke distributionskanaler bliver anvendt?

· Hvordan kan forretningsmodellen skaleres?



· Hvilke substitutter og konkurrenter er der til produktet, herunder omsætning, udbredelse, styrker og svagheder for konkurrerende produkter?

· Hvordan ser indtrængningsbarriererne ud for andre, som vil levere de samme eller bedre produkter?

Organisation og ledelse

· Hvem er folkene bag virksomheden, herunder deres rolle, baggrund, erfaringer, uddannelse, kompetence og netværk?

· Hvor mange medarbejdere er der i virksomheden, hvem er nøglemedarbejderne, og hvordan ser organisationen ud?

· Hvem sidder i bestyrelse og evt. advisory board for virksomheden?

· Hvem er investorerne, og hvordan er ejerandelene fordelt?

· Hvor meget har virksomhedens stifter(e) selv investeret?

· Hvor gammel er virksomheden?


· Hvordan ser resultatopgørelse og balance ud for de to seneste årsregnskaber, hvis det er relevant?

· Hvad er salgsmålene, hvilke aktiviteter skal sørge for at målene bliver nået, og hvem i organisationen har ansvaret for, at målene bliver nået?

· Hvilke relevante milestones er der for at rulle forretningsplanen ud?

· Hvordan ser resultatbudget, statusbudget (balance) og likviditetsbudget ud 3-5 år frem?

· Hvordan fordeler omsætning, dækningsbidrag og salgsmål sig på produktgrupper, hvis der er flere?



· Hvilke strategiske, taktiske, operationelle og finansielle risici er der, og hvilke tiltag er planlagt for at minimere disse?

· Hvordan ser ”what if”–scenarierne ud, og hvad er planen, hvis det værste skulle ske?


· Hvor mange penge skal der bruges med den strategi, som virksomheden selv tror mest på

· Hvad skal pengene bruges til, herunder investeringsplan og tidslinie?

· Hvad er det foretrukne antal investorer, herunder egeninvestering?


· Hvilke exit-muligheder er der for investorerne?

· Hvilken type exit er den foretrukne, og hvem er potentielle købere af virksomheden?

· Hvor lang er tidshorisonten for at nå frem til exit?


indlæg kommer i morgen.
peace a


Financieringsmuligheder i EU?

The European Technology Platform for Wind Energy (TPWind)

The European Technology Platform for Wind Energy (TPWind) is the indispensable forum for the crystallisation of policy and technology research and development pathways for the wind energy sector; as well as a new opportunity for informal collaboration among Member States, including those less developed in wind energy terms.

Wind energy is the leading renewable energy technology. Given the right support it could provide 23% of EU electricity by 2030. However, this target will not be achieved if the sector and policy makers continue to think in the short term. Long term, strategic action in technology and policy research are fundamental: TPWind facilitates the development of effective, complementary, national and EU policy, to build markets, and a collaborative strategy for technology development, with the ultimate aim of cost reductions to parity with the cheapest alternative electricity generation technologies.

TPWind consists of stakeholders from industry, government, civil society, R&D Institutions, finance organisations, and the wider power sector, at Member State and EU levels. It is unique: the only body with sufficient representation or ‘critical mass’ of wind-specific knowledge and experience to be able to fully understand and map realistic and prioritised pathways for policy and technology R&D, taking into account the full range of sector needs.


The objective of TPWind is to identify areas for increased innovation, new and existing research and development tasks. These will then be prioritised on the basis of “must haves” versus “nice to haves,” the primary objective being overall (social, environmental and technological) cost reductions. This will help to achieve EU objectives in terms of renewable electricity production. The platform will develop coherent recommendations, detailing specific tasks, approaches, participants and the necessary infrastructure, in the context of private R&D, as well as EU and Member State Programmes, such as FP7. TPWind will also assess the overall funding available to carry out this work, from public and private sources.

The European Wind Energy Technology Platform Secretariat (WindSec) is supported by the European Commission

The Joint Technology Initiative (JTI)

‘CLEAN SKY’ Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) will help the air transport industry develop environmentally friendly technology for all flying segments. In Paris, Commissioner Potočnik said airline manufacturers should aim for a 40% cut in CO2 emissions from present levels. This should be possible thanks to new CLEAN SKY technologies, by 2015. In addition to the 40% cut in CO2, the Commissioner said the European Union is aiming for a 60% cut in Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) emissions and a 50% reduction in noise. The aviation industry currently accounts for 3% of annual greenhouse gas emissions.

The Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) concept is one of the major novelties of the Seventh Framework Programme. This new instrument represents a clear decision to support research of long duration. ‘CLEAN SKY’ is to be among the first of the new JTIs to get off the ground with a €1.6 billion public-private funding. CLEAN SKY has brought together EU-funded projects and major industrial stakeholders in the aeronautics and aerospace sectors to move important technologies even closer to market, ensuring the highest level of European competitiveness in this area. The Joint Technology Initiatives represent a completely new approach. Led by industry and backed by the private sector, they will provide a significant level of support for research and will deliver innovative solutions in the area of transport. CLEAN SKY, for example, will create various technology demonstrators, including flight test vehicles that will be essential for successful market introduction. With the JTI concept, the public sector, and of the European Union in particular, has taken another great leap in the direction of breaking down barriers and bringing together diverse industrial, academic, research and institutional partners.

‘VIVACE’ forum presents final project results

VIVACE is an integrated EU-funded R&D project, launched in January 2004 and co-ordinated by Airbus. With an overall budget of €74 million, its goal has been to develop advanced capabilities for real engineering and business scenarios in the aircraft and aero-engine sectors. The project gathered an impressive 63 companies and institutions, including eight small and medium-sized enterprises. The third and final public Forum on 17-19 October 2007 in Toulouse drew over 200 delegates from Europe and beyond. Presentations and demonstrations closely targeted the needs of the European aeronautical industry.

Keynote speaker Alain Ramier, Airbus’ Senior Vice President for Engineering Development Processes and Methods.
Keynote speaker Liam Breslin Head of the European Commission’s DG RTD Aeronautics Unit.
Keynote speaker Ric Parker, Director of Research and Technology at Rolls-Royce.

© Peter Gutierrez

European Offshore Wind Conference & Exhibition:
Get a Closer Look at Offshore Wind 4 - 6 December 2007 - Berlin

T: +32 2 400 1079 info(at) or exhibition(at)

On 4 December, over 1000 representatives of the offshore wind industry, policy makers and energy specialists will gather to explore and discuss the future of offshore wind energy during a three-day pan-European conference dedicated specifically to this promising technology. Organised by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), the European Offshore Wind Conference and Exhibition (EOW2007) will debate the future of offshore development in Europe and address the barriers preventing one of Europe's largest indigenous resources from being exploited to its full potential. The EOW2007 Conference programme consists of 22 separate sessions with presentations from over 100 leading experts and decision makers. Additionally, over 100 poster presentations will be showcased. In parallel with the conference sessions, there will be an exhibition with over 60 of the leading companies involved in offshore wind energy. EOW2007 is the ideal place to examine the technologies, hardware and services that keep the offshore business moving.

By the end of 2006, a total of almost 900 MW of offshore wind farms had been constructed around Europe, in the coastal waters of Denmark, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom, representing only around 2% of the cumulative installed capacity of wind power in the European Union. The world market for wind is estimated to be approximately 74,000 MW. Over the past two years, individual projects have increased in size to more than 50 MW, with the largest development so far – the 166 MW Nysted wind farm off the southern coast of Denmark – starting to produce electricity in December 2003. Other projects in the pipeline will be more sizeable, reaching 1,000 MW.

EWEA has an industry target of 300 GW installed wind power capacity for the EU in 2030 with 150 GW coming from onshore and 150 GW from offshore. This would deliver some 965 TWh, meeting 23% of European electricity generation, assuming that electricity demand grows at the rate predicted by the European Commission. With efficiency measures, wind power’s share could reach 30% by 2030.

Harnessing High Altitude Wind Power

Paper by Bryan W. Roberts, David H. Shepard, Ken Caldeira, M. Elizabeth Cannon, David G. Eccles, Albert J. Grenier and Jonathan F. Freidin.

Flying electric generators (FEGs) are proposed to harness kinetic energy in the powerful, persistent high altitude winds. Average power density can be as high as 20 kW/m2 in a approximately 1000 km wide band around latitude 30° in both Earth hemispheres. At 15,000 feet (4600 m) and above, tethered rotorcraft, with four or more rotors mounted on each unit, could give individual rated outputs of up to 40 MW. These aircraft would be highly controllable and could be flown in arrays, making them a large-scale source of reliable wind power. The aerodynamics, electrics, and control of these craft are described in detail, along with a description of the tether mechanics.

Scalability Considerations
The tethered rotorcraft is inherently scalable in size and output, from small prototype configurations of below 240 kW, through commercially viable systems with competitive costs of energy, in the range of 3 MW to 30 MW per craft. Larger sizes are more economical and may utilize more than four rotors to maintain economy and manageability of materials.

For cost illustration purposes, we use a 100 MW array, comprised of 3.4 MW FEGs. The cost estimates are based on 250 FEGs/year production rate assuming prior production of 150 FEGs, in accordance with NREL guidelines [20]. A 3.4 MW platform-rated craft is estimated to weigh 21,000 lbs (9500 kg) and cost $1,360,000. Adding ground systems and production profits brings the total to $2,260,000 per 3.4 MW. The balance of station costs for the 100 MW
array, including site preparation, facilities and equipment, spare parts and construction is $4,210,000. Taken together these initial capital costs come to $71,200,000 per 100 MW

A 240 kW craft has been designed to demonstrate the concept at altitude. It is anticipated that large-scale units would make low cost electricity available for grid supply, for hydrogen production, or for hydro-storage from large-scale generating facilities.

High altitude winds are a very attractive potential source of power, because this vast energy is high density and persistent. High power densities would be uninteresting if only a small amount of total power were available. However, wind power is roughly 100 times the power used
by all human civilization.

Furthermore, high altitude winds are typically just a few kilometers away from energy users. No other energy source combines potential resource size, density, and proximity so attractively. Removing 1% of high altitude winds’ available energy is not expected to have adverse environmental consequences. The tethered craft proposed in this paper consists of four identical rotors mounted in an airframe which flies in the powerful and persistent winds.

The tether’s insulated aluminum conductors bring power to ground, and are wound with strong Kevlar-family cords. The conductor weight is a critical compromise between power loss and heat generation. We propose employing aluminum conductors with tether transmission voltages of 15 kV and higher, because they are light weight for the energy transmitted. To minimize total
per kWh system cost and reduce tether costs, the design allows higher per meter losses and higher conductor heating than does traditional utility power transmission.

Depending on flight altitude, electrical losses between the tether and the converted power’s insertion into the commercial grid are expected to be as much as 20%, and are included in energy cost estimates.

The flying electric generator units (FEGs) envisioned for commercial power production have a rated capacity in the 3 to 30 MW range. Generators arrays are contemplated for wind farms in airspace restricted from commercial and private aircraft use. To supply all U.S. energy needs, airspace for power generation is calculated to restrict far less airspace than is already
restricted from civil aviation for other purposes. While similar in concept to current wind farms, in most cases flying generator arrays may be located much closer to demand load centers.

The flying generator’s side view in the above illustration is for a typical flight configuration in a wind of velocity V. A single tether of length Lc is attached to the craft at a point A on the craft’s plane of symmetry. The aircraft’s center of mass is at C. The tether is assumed, herein for simplicity, to be mass-less and non-extendible. For low altitude flight, around 1500 ft

BIOGRAPHIES (short form)

Bryan W. Roberts graduated BE from the University of New South Wales in 1959. He received a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, UK in 1962 in the field of aeronautics. His research has involved theoretical and practical studies of the stability and control of tethered rotorcraft. He has some 80 publications and is a Senior Member of the AIAA, a Member of the American Helicopter Society and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.

Ken Caldeira is a staff scientist at the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University. Caldeira was a post-doc in the Geosciences Department at Penn State. He earned his Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences from New York University in 1991. Caldeira is a lead author of the “State of the Carbon Cycle Report”,and part of the US delegation in climate
change negotiations leading up to the 2005 G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland.

Caldeira was a member of the US Carbon Cycle Steering Group, and Coordinating Lead Author of an IPCC report on carbon storage in the ocean. He was a member of the UNESCO International Oceanography Commission CO2 Panel of Experts.

M. Elizabeth Cannon is Dean of the Schulich School of Engineering at the University of Calgary where she conducts research in the area of satellite navigation for land, air and marine applications. Elizabeth is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Canada.

Albert J. Grenier obtained his engineering degree from Clarkson University in 1965. Becoming intrigued with the promise of capturing high altitude wind energy, in 2004 Grenier joined Sky Wind Power Corporation as Executive Vice President, where he has contributed to Flying Electric Generator (FEG) design and taken the lead in qualifying components to be supplied by vendors for the planned 240kW FEG high altitude wind energy capture demonstration.

David H. Shepard
David G. Eccles
Jonathan F. Freidin

Kitty Hawk - Drageopsætning fra udrangeret hangarskib

Jeg læste lige, at den amerikanske flåde vil udfase deres vistnok eneste tilbageværende ikke-atom-drevne hangarskib til næste år.
Det hedder Kitty Hawk og holder til på en flådestation i Stillehavet (Japan), måske kunne vi få Danfoss til at købe det til vores forsøg med drageopsætning på åbent hav :-)

Trivia: KittyHawk var også navnet på Wrights maskine fra 1903!

stadig i tvivl

om hvad vi skal kalde 'it'?

hvis vores intention er at folk selv skal begynde at tænke når de ser vores visuelle 'it' - bliver de alligevel ledt i en bestemt retning, når vi i vores omtale siger; fx 'kite', 'mill', 'turbine' ... det jeg prøver på at overbevise mig selv om, er at der kan være forskellige problematikker/fordele jf. de forskellige modeller (en kite er et stykke stof som er forbundet til noget på jorden, en mølle har vinger etc.) tænker bare, at vi må blive enige om hvad det er vi har med at gøre (i forhold til djævlens advokat...)

branding 2

An idea that would change the World!

Today we stand in front of substantial challenges about reducing the critical global climate changes and finding alternatives to the Earths reducing resources. In 2030 we will be 8.002 mill. People on the Earth ( and this put huge claim to the growing energy consumption that the modern lifestyles request. But the Earths oil, coal, tree etc. rescores are limited - for how long will the contemporary fossil fuel maintain? And what about the pollution of our air, water etc.?
The best alternative is wind energy – it is clean because it dos not pollute went producing energy, there is a great deal of it and it is free.

Vestas produce windmills that contains large capacity of energy – one type of windmill (V90-3,0 MW) can save 5000 ton CO2 (udledning? conclude/discharge) pr. Year. And it accumulates what would respond at 13.000 barrel of oil.
For that reason it is important to focus on wind energy as a key resource in the future.
Some opponent might say that windmills have a relative high beginning cost, that it needs a supplement from another energy source when the wind is low and that it is non aesthetic.

So we have to think in new ways if we want to keep up the demand of wind energy. A solution could be fund in the jet streams. The jet stream is a “fast flowing, relatively narrow air currents found in the atmosphere at around 11 kilometers (36,000 ft) above the surface of the Earth. … The wind speeds vary according to the temperature gradient, averaging 30 knots (55 km/h / 35 mph) in summer and 65 knots (120 km/h / 75 mph) in winter, although speeds of over 215 knots (400 km/h / 250 mph) are known. Technically, the wind speed has to be higher than 60 knots (69 mph / 111 km/h) to be called a jet stream”. (
This signifies that if we set up a kite/mill in the jets stream – where will be no need for a supplement because the kite/mill would produce viable energy, it is not polluting and it will be so faraway (6 km) that there will be no aesthetic problems.

indsæt afsnit om
· Drage
· Generator
· Kabler
· Forankrings platform

Opgaven er at teamet forklarer hvilke problemstillinger vi har løst og taget stilling til. Derudover er det vigtigt, at der laves en klar afgrænsning af hvor vores kompetencer slutter, og et udviklingshold fra. f.eks. Danfoss kan tage over. Vi foreslår at der tages udgangspunkt i at produktudvikling ikke er vores opgave, men vi vil gerne komme med anbefalinger til hvilke personer der kunne være vigtige medspillere i den fremtidige udvikling. Henvisning til andre modeller, KiteShip, lattermill og de andre 4 møller…?

Today Denmark is in the top when it comes to wind technology (Elsam, Elkraft, Vestas and Risø). We have a commercial standard industry in the course of a huge export. And on political side – international as well as on EU-level – wind energy is regard as economical and environmental benefits. Using the jet streams massive wind resource will deposit a lot of energy used for selling to other countries. But more important it will improve the global environment problems because of the clean supplying to the Earths recoil fossil resource and it is not polluting the air, the drinking water etc.

Our research on till now, indicate that carrying out PowerKite could be a reality because many scientists have don research at the same highs – hitherto no one has the solution. So it is only a question about time. What is needed to be accomplishing in nearest future is to find relevant investor and co-operative – and in addition to this we ask; do Danfoss want to go up high, and be in front when it comes to create revolutionizing solutions that will solve the Earths energy problems? Be associated with ‘green company’ that takes global as well as social responsibility? We do.

Indsæt afsnit om
ØkonomiHvem skal investere? Energiselskaber, Vestas, Risø... Danmark, Danfoss?Budget: brug af penge for at komme i gang – og til hvad? Finansiel kalkule
Lave en finansiel analyse af hvor meget finansiering projektet kræver i forskellige stadier. Samtidig fokuseres der på hvilke økonomiske gevinster der på sigt er forbundet med projektet (for Danfoss og for verden og for os selv).

We would like to demonstrate the first prototype of PowerKite on the environment conference hosted in Denmark in 2009. And we know there is a lot of research, test, political and economical considerations and precautions to be don before carry out our idea. Futhermore in 15-20 years from now, when we turn on our lamps, television, computer etc. the power will come from the sky – up high where PowerKite is fulfilling our dream about saving (changing) the World.

"WindPower for dummies"

WindPower for dummies

With courtesy of "Danish Wind Industry Association"
Anja Pedersen / tlf. +45 33 73 03 36


Danish Wind Industry Association
Vester Voldgade 106
DK-1552 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Phone: +45 3373 0330
Fax: +45 3373 0333

Where does Wind Energy come From?

All renewable energy (except tidal and geothermal power), and even the energy in fossil fuels, ultimately comes from the sun. The sun radiates 174,423,000,000,000 kilowatt hours of energy to the earth per hour. About 1 to 2 per cent of the energy coming from the sun is converted into wind energy. That is about 50 to 100 times more than the energy converted into biomass by all plants on earth.

Temperature Differences Drive Air Circulation

Sea Temperature World Map

The regions around equator, at 0° latitude are heated more by the sun than the rest of the globe. These hot areas are indicated in the warm colours, red, orange and yellow in this infrared picture of sea surface temperatures. Hot air is lighter than cold air and will rise into the sky until it reaches approximately 10 km (6 miles) altitude and will spread to the North and the South. If the globe did not rotate, the air would simply arrive at the North Pole and the South Pole, sink down, and return to the equator.

The Coriolis Force
Since the globe is rotating, any movement on the Northern hemisphere is diverted to the right, if we look at it from our own position on the ground. (In the southern hemisphere it is bent to the left). This apparent bending force is known as the Coriolis force, named after the French mathematician Gustave Gaspard Coriolis 1792-1843.

In the Northern hemisphere the wind tends to rotate counterclockwise (as seen from above) as it approaches a low pressure area. In the Southern hemisphere the wind rotates clockwise around low pressure areas.

Wind Energy Resources: Global Winds
How the Coriolis Force Affects Global Winds

Global Circulation

The wind rises from the equator and moves north and south in the higher layers of the atmosphere.
Around 30°; latitude in both hemispheres the Coriolis force prevents the air from moving much farther. At this latitude there is a high pressure area, as the air begins sinking down again.
As the wind rises from the equator there will be a low pressure area close to ground level attracting winds from the North and South.
At the Poles, there will be high pressure due to the cooling of the air.
Keeping in mind the bending force of the Coriolis force, we thus have the following general results for the prevailing wind direction:

Prevailing Wind Directions


The size of the atmosphere is grossly exaggerated in the picture above (which was made on a photograph from the NASA GOES-8 satellite). In reality the atmosphere is only 10 km thick, i.e. 1/1200 of the diameter of the globe. That part of the atmosphere is more accurately known as the troposphere. This is where all of our weather (and the greenhouse effect) occurs.The prevailing wind directions are important when siting wind turbines, since we obviously want to place them in the areas with least obstacles from the prevailing wind directions. Local geography, however, may influence the general results in the table above, cf. the following pages.

The Atmosphere (Troposphere)
The atmosphere around the globe is a very thin layer. The globe has a diameter of 12,000 km. The troposphere, which extends to about 11 km (36,000 ft.) altitude, is where all of our weather, and the greenhouse effect occurs.

The Geostrophic Wind
The winds we have been considering on the previous pages on global winds are actually the geostrophic winds. The geostrophic winds are largely driven by temperature differences, and thus pressure differences, and are not very much influenced by the surface of the earth. The geostrophic wind is found at altitudes above 1000 metres (3300 ft.) above ground level.
The geostrophic wind speed may be measured using weather balloons.

Surface Winds
Winds are very much influenced by the ground surface at altitudes up to 100 metres. The wind will be slowed down by the earth's surface roughness and obstacles , as we will learn in a moment. Wind directions near the surface will be slightly different from the direction of the geostrophic wind because of the earth's rotation (cf. the Coriolis force ).
When dealing with wind energy, we are concerned with surface winds, and how to calculate the usable energy content of the wind.

Local Winds: Mountain Winds
Mountain regions display many interesting weather patterns. One example is the valley wind which originates on south-facing slopes (north-facing in the southern hemisphere). When the slopes and the neighbouring air are heated the density of the air decreases, and the air ascends towards the top following the surface of the slope. At night the wind direction is reversed, and turns into a downslope wind.

If the valley floor is sloped, the air may move down or up the valley, as a canyon wind. Winds flowing down the leeward sides of mountains can be quite powerful: Examples are the Foehn in the Alps in Europe, the Chinook in the Rocky Mountains, and the Zonda in the Andes. Examples of other local wind systems are the Mistral flowing down the Rhone valley into the Mediterranean Sea, the Scirocco, a southerly wind from Sahara blowing into the Mediterranean sea.

The Energy in the Wind: Air Density and Rotor Area
A wind turbine obtains its power input by converting the force of the wind into a torque (turning force) acting on the rotor blades. The amount of energy which the wind transfers to the rotor depends on the density of the air, the rotor area, and the wind speed.

Density of Air
The kinetic energy of a moving body is proportional to its mass (or weight). The kinetic energy in the wind thus depends on the density of the air, i.e. its mass per unit of volume.
In other words, the "heavier" the air, the more energy is received by the turbine.
At normal atmospheric pressure and at 15° Celsius air weighs some 1.225 kilogrammes per cubic metre, but the density decreases slightly with increasing humidity.
Also, the air is denser when it is cold than when it is warm. At high altitudes, (in mountains) the air pressure is lower, and the air is less dense.

Rotor Area
A typical 1,000 kW wind turbine has a rotor diameter of 54 metres, i.e. a rotor area of some 2,300 square metres. The rotor area determines how much energy a wind turbine is able to harvest from the wind. Since the rotor area increases with the square of the rotor diameter, a turbine which is twice as large will receive 2 2 = 2 x 2 = four times as much energy.

Power output & rotor diameters

Power Output Increases with the Swept Rotor Area

When a farmer tells you how much land he is farming, he will usually state an area in terms of hectares or acres. With a wind turbine it is much the same story, though doing wind farming we farm a vertical area instead of a horizontal one. The area of the disc covered by the rotor, (and wind speeds, of course), determines how much energy we can harvest in a year. The picture gives you an idea of the normal rotor sizes of wind turbines: A typical turbine with a 600 kW electrical generator will typically have a rotor diameter of some 44 metres (144 ft.). If you double the rotor diameter, you get an area which is four times larger (two squared). This means that you also get four times as much power output from the rotor.
Rotor diameters may vary somewhat from the figures given above, because many manufacturers optimise their machines to local wind conditions: A larger generator, of course, requires more power (i.e. strong winds) to turn at all. So if you install a wind turbine in a low wind area you will actually maximise annual output by using a fairly smallgenerator for a given rotor size (or a larger rotor size for a given generator) For a 600 kW machine rotor diameters may vary from 39 to 48 m (128 to 157 ft.) The reason why you may get more output from a relatively smaller generator in a low wind area is that the turbine will be running more hours during the year.

Reasons for Choosing Large Turbines

  1. There are economies of scale in wind turbines, i.e. larger machines are usually able to deliver electricity at a lower cost than smaller machines. The reason is that the cost of foundations, road building, electrical grid connection, plus a number of components in the turbine (the electronic control system etc.), are somewhat independent of the size of the machine.
  2. Larger machines are particularly well suited for offshore wind power. The cost of foundations does not rise in proportion to the size of the machine, and maintenance costs are largely independent of the size of the machine.
  3. In areas where it is difficult to find sites for more than a single turbine, a large turbine with a tall tower uses the existing wind resource more efficiently.

Reasons for Choosing Smaller Turbines

  1. The local electrical grid may be too weak to handle the electricity output from a large machine. This may be the case in remote parts of the electrical grid with low population density and little electricity consumption in the area.
  2. There is less fluctuation in the electricity output from a wind park consisting of a number of smaller machines, since wind fluctuations occur randomly, and therefore tend to cancel out. Again, smaller machines may be an advantage in a weak electrical grid.
  3. The cost of using large cranes, and building a road strong enough to carry the turbine components may make smaller machines more economic in some areas.
  4. Several smaller machines spread the risk in case of temporary machine failure, e.g. due to lightning strikes.
  5. aesthetical landscape considerations may sometimes dictate the use of smaller machines. Large machines, however, will usually have a much lower rotational speed, which means that one large machine really does not attract as much attention as many small, fast moving rotors. (See the section on wind turbines in the landscape ).

The Future for Megawatt-Sized Turbines
The megawatt market really took off in 1998. Since then, it has been clear that the market trend is towards bigger projects with bigger wind turbines.
Megawatt-sized machines will be ideal for offshore applications, and for areas where space for siting is scarce, so that a megawatt machine will exploit the local wind resources better.

Grid Connection of Offshore Wind Parks

Danish Grid
The Grid

The picture shows the Danish electrical transmission grid. Major power stations are shown in yellow.
Total generating capacity was some 10,000 MW in 1998.
Present and future offshore wind parks with a total of some 4,100 MW are shown in white and blue.

The western and eastern part of the country are not directly connected, but are connected to the German and Swedish electrical transmission systems using AC (alternating currency transmission lines). The rest of the connections to Sweden, Norway, and Germany are DC (direct current) connections.
Grid connection of offshore wind parks is not a major technical problem per se , in the sense that the technologies which are involved are well known. Optimising these technologies for remote offshore sites will be important, however, to ensure reasonable economics.

The first commercial-sized offshore wind farms in Denmark - Horns Rev and Nysted - are located 10-20 km (6-12 miles) from shore, at water depths from 6 to 14 metres. The wind farms are 160 MW (Horns Rev) and 158 MW (Nysted) and they consist of respectively 2 MW and 2.2 MW wind turbines.

© Copyright 1997-2007 Danish Wind Industry Association