torsdag den 15. november 2007


An idea that would change the World!

Today we stand in front of substantial challenges about reducing the critical global climate changes.
To do that, wind energy is the best alternatives. Vestas produce windmills that contains large capacity of energy – one type of windmill (V90-3,0 MW) can save 5000 ton CO2 (-udledning?) pr. Year. And it accumulates what would respond at 13.000 barrel of oil.

In 2030 we will be 8.002 mill. People on the Earth ( This put huge claim to the growing energy consumption that the modern lifestyles request. But for how long will the current fossil fuel sustain? The Earths oil, coal, tree etc. rescores are limited. For that reason it is important to focus on wind energy as a key source in the future – because it is powerful, clean and free.

But we have to think in new ways if we want to keep up the demand of energy. A solution could be fund in the jets streams. The jet stream is a “fast flowing, relatively narrow air currents found in the atmosphere at around 11 kilometers (36,000 ft) above the surface of the Earth. … The wind speeds vary according to the temperature gradient, averaging 30 knots (55 km/h / 35 mph) in summer and 65 knots (120 km/h / 75 mph) in winter, although speeds of over 215 knots (400 km/h / 250 mph) are known. Technically, the wind speed has to be higher than 60 knots (69 mph / 111 km/h) to be called a jet stream”. (

Many scientists do research at the same heights – hitherto no one has the solution.
Our contribution is the PowerKite. It is a kite/platform/mill (?) that would produce viable energy and could be put up anywhere on the Earth e.g. in the desert or the mountains. Or even on water. (indsæt eksempel med tankskib)

Our research about carrying out PowerKite tells us that it would be a reality in 15-20 years. What is need to be completed in nearest future is to find relevant investor and co-operative because it is only a question about time on who is going to be the first – so we ask; do Danfoss dare to be the one that revolutionize and demonstrate the first prototype of PowerKite on the environment conference hold in Denmark in 2009? We do.

3 kommentarer:

Morten Bülow sagde ...

Jeg synes det ser rigtig fint ud. Hvis I arbejder videre med det, synes der skal være lidt mere om hvilken betydning det har for danfoss. Hvis de vil tage sig selv seriøst som grøn virksomhed og tage globalt og socialt ansvar osv.

Tim Nøhr Elkær sagde ...


In our research we have found researcher, entrepreneurs and enthusiast with expert knowledge, technical insight and venturecapital to spend on a project such as the one we suggest and therefore we are thrilled about presenting these results of the first "Danfoss Innovation Camp Initiative" - Group 5 Copenhagen: The "Power-Kite: Energy for Humanity Project".

** tekst fra Sabrina **

In the group we believe that scalable technology is the future and as such there's not "One Kite to rule them All". Our discussions however has let us to suggest that the pilot project should be a "large-scale" kite, as it seems to us that the further research would benefit most from tests under extreme conditions such as the Jet Stream east of Iceland or in Canada.

Tim Nøhr Elkær sagde ...

Jeg tror oversættelsen er: "CO2 emissions and global warming"